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Keeping memories alive forever, It's just what I do.
Discovering the passion
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EmaginationDesigns came to life during the Global Pandemic. Much like most everyone else, I spent a month binge watching Netflix (I have tiny humans so no chill happened), but I got bored fast. I was desperate for a hobby that wasn't memorizing how many ways a toddler can say "mom". It's a lot if you didn't know. I had some flowers and some resin so I figured why not give it a go. One year later EmaginationDesigns was born, I can not wait to make your pretty things into forever pretty things.  

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Thank you! I will reach out soon to schedule a quick consultation.

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Please note: This form is for scheduling a phone or email consultation after you place your order! A consultant will reach out as soon as possible. If you  don't receive an email within 24 hours of submitting this form or placing an order, check your spam folder, if you still cannot find an email from us please resubmit this form with "NO EMAIL RECEIVED” or text (469) 449-1159. Thank you.

Please note: This form is for potential clients who have questions or special request. A consultant will reach out as soon as possible. If you  don't receive an email within 24 hours of submitting this form, check your spam folder, if you still cannot find an email from us please resubmit this form with "NO EMAIL RECEIVED” or text (469) 449-1159. Thank you.

Thank you! I will reach out soon to schedule a quick consultation.

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